Saturday, November 14, 2009

Some Changes Regarding the 14th of November tourney

Tourney has been postponed to next sunday due to domestic problems of both organisers. Same place, same time and same prize but format will be reverted back to non-asia format which allows you to use anycard except for english exclusive =( Very sorry for sudden changes

Nowadays I did notice that Lightsworn get deckburn easily therefore after several reasearch I found this card to be useful for those LS player that is a afraid of deckburn.

The card is..... The Outstanding Dog Marron

Why we use this card to prevent deckburn when we are playing LL deck?

It is because you cant skip ur draw phrase by using spirit burner if you does not have any card in ur deck therefore u can use this card + spirit burner to prevent urself from getting deckburn =)
This will probaly solve ur deckburn problem =)