Sunday, May 23, 2010

Updates on Jurong Tourney...

Deck Used: Christia Lord
Number of participants: 21
Format: 4 Round Swiss Cut to top 8 followed by single eli

Swiss Round 1 VS BF (Jin Hao)
Lost 2-0 but agreed to have 2-1 beforehand so i got 1-2...

+1 points

Swiss Round 2 VS Hero Fusion (KeLun)
Herald-ed his airman n slowly poke as he got no monsters then brainwash for the win and same thing happened at round 2...

+3 points

Swiss Round 3 VS Hero Beat (Alex)

+1 points

Swiss Round 4 VS Beast Syncro (Bi Xuan a.k.a Sazabi)
2 judgements rape and pretty much the same for round 2...

+3 points

Advanced into Top 8 with 8 points...

Top 8 VS Infernity (Richard)
Holylights Orangelight d.d. crow n Christia did their jobs...

Top 4 VS Infernity (Sam 2009 asia champ)
He destroyed my holylight den do stuns...

3rd and 4th VS BF (Jonas)
Mistake by settin carrier den got tramp to death the first match... Holylight won the 2nd n 3rd match...

1st: Sam (Infernity)
2nd: Alex (Hero Beat)
3rd: Me (Christia Lord)
4th: Jonas (BF)