Qualifier of Round 16
Name: Alex Goh
Deck Name: Bomb Bomb
Monster: 21
Krebons x3
Zombie Carrier x2
Dark Grepher x1
Knight Of The End x2
Dark Armed Dragon x2
Mind Master x1
Psychic Commander x1
Necro Garner x2
D-Hero Malicious x3
E-Hero Stratos x1
D-Hero Dasher x1
D-Hero Defender x1
Emissary Of Hades, Gorz x1
Magic: 15
Emergency Teleport x3
Mystic Space Typhoon x1
Heavy Storm x1
Destiny Draw x2
Reinforcement Of The Army x3
Mnster Reborn x1
Brain Control x1
Allure Of Darkness x3
Trap: 4
Pheonix Wing Wind Blast x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Crush Card Virus x1
Side Deck: 15
Royal Decree x3
Mavolent Catastrophe x3
Mind Control x2
Vanity Fiend x1
Book Of Moon x2
Chain Disappearance x2
D.D crow x2
Transmigration Prophecy x1
Extra Deck: 15
Broniac, Dragon Of The Ice Boundary x1
A.O.J Castraster x1
Dark Dive Bomber x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Dark End Dragon x2
Goyo Guardian x1
Colossal Fighter x2
Mental Sphere x1
Red Demon Dragon x2
Blask Rose Dragon x1
Magical Andriod x1
So tatz is last qualifier... The finals is postponed to next sat... I will be partcipating as the 3rd Qualifier... So stay tuned to get updated about the DKT Finals...