Sunday, November 2, 2008

1st November winner is another author from our blog also, lol... Boring deck...
Qualifier Name :Shifu a.k.a. 無極玄

Deck Name: Biohazard


Armaggedon Knight x 3
Goblin Zombie x 3
Mezuki x 3
Necro Garner x 2
Dark Armed Dragon x 2
Plaguespreader Zombie x 2
Zombie Master x 2
Card Trooper x 1
Gorz, Emissary Of Hades x 1

Smashing Ground x 1
Giant Trunade x 1
Monster Reborn x 1
Heavy Storm x 1
Card Of Safe Return x 2
Reinforcement Of The Army x 2
Foolish Burial x 2
Allure Of Darkness x 3
Burial From Other Dimension x 3

Crush Card Virus x 1
Torrential Tribute x 1
Raigeki Break x 3

Side Decks(15)
Kycoo, The Ghost Destroyer x 3
D.D Crow x 3
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x 3
Malevolent Catastrophe x 3
Dust Tornado x 1
Mystical Space Typhoon x 1
Transmigration Prophecy x 1

Extra Decks(15):
A.O.J Catastor x 1
Brionac, Dragon Of The Ice Boundary x 2
Revived King Ha Des x 1
Doom Kaiser Dragon x 2
Goyo Guardian x 2
Black Rose Dragon x 1
Stardust Dragon x 2
Dark End Dragon x 1
Colossal Fighter x 1
Red Dragon Archfiend x 1

Don't say he copy other people's deck and win, even if copy and without the skill, people will still lose =)
Anyway most of the qualifiers netdecks from japanese so you will see some similar decks in the future =)