Monday, November 17, 2008

After last sunday's interesting tourney, with morphtronic(deformer) OTK and Black Feather dark armed in it, here's our round 12 qualifier!!!

Name: Kenneth Tan
Deck Name: Anti-Synchro Beat

Fossil Dyna Pachycephalos x3
Thunderking Rai-Oh x3
DoomCaliber Knight x2
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer x2
D.D Warrior Lady x1
Breaker The Magical Warrior x1
Cyber Dragon x1
Morphing Jar x1

Shrink x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Monster Reborn x1

Solemn Judgment x3
Bottomless Trap Hole x3
Dust Tornado x3
Royal Oppression x3
Dimension Prison x3
Compulsory Evacuation Device x2
Dark Bribe x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Mirror Force x1

Side Decks(15):
Big Burn x2
Xing Zhen Hu x2
Seven Tools Of The Bandit x2
Banisher Of Radiance x2
Winged Ryhnos x2
Ceasefire x1
Smashing Ground x1
Fissure x1
Giant Trunade x1
Heavy Storm x1

Extra Decks(2):
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x2

Most of the featured cards are not from the qualifier decks... lol... but i really wanted to post it. cos its really fun to play... lol... guess i really cant be a judge, i am not one also. lol... cos i laugh till death when i saw ppl got killed by morphtronics. LOL... especially friends... Morphtronic rox?!
All Right! Meta-beat got in the 12th qualifying round... what's next? Stay tune...