Xiao mei looked so grumpy...
Jess looked so evil... lol
James vs time-out king! Always very lucky, time-out sure got caius!
And the 13th Qualifier is.... James Ng!!!(I'm in the pic too lol! Too late to hide... Skydraz hide behind the fridge... damn it... lol!)Congrats! Another MOV got in!!!
Deck Name: Tele-Zombie
Mezuki x3
Krebons x2
Plaguespreader Zombie x2
Psychic Commander x2
Dark Armed Dragon x2
Goblin Zombie x3
Gorz, Emissary Of Darkness x1
Destiny Hero Malicious x3
Cyber Dragon x1
Armaggedon Knight x2
Emergency Teleport x3
Card Of Safe Return x2
Monster Reborn x1
Allure Of Darkness x3
Burial from another dimension x3
Heavy Storm x1
Giant Trunade x1
Foolish Burial x2
Raigeki Break x3
Crush Card Virus x1
Side Decks(15):
Threatening Roar x2
Threatening Roar x2
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2
Brain Control x1
Mind Control x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Dust Tornado x2
Royal Decree x2
Malevolent Catastrophe x3
Transmigration Prophecy x1
Extra Decks(15):
A.O.J Catastor x1
Brionac, Dragon Of the Ice Boundary x2
Doom Kaiser Dragon x1
Goyo Guardian x3
Black Rose Dragon x1
Dark Dive Bomber x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Dark End Dragon x1
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
Colossal Fighter x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Interesting... This week will be the last week of the qualifying round... 2 more seats to go~~ Ganbatte!