Qualifier Name: Samuel Cheng
Deck Name: Malicious Synchro
Deck Name: Malicious Synchro
Destiny Hero Malicious x3
Krebons x3
Necro Gardna x2
Armaggedon Knight x2
Dark Armed Dragon x2
Plaguespreader Zombie x2
D.D Crow x1
Destiny Hero Diamond Dude x1
Destiny Hero Defender x1
Elemental Hero Stratos x1
Gorz, Emissary Of Darkness x1
Destiny Draw x3
Allure Of Darkness x3
Emergency Teleport x3
Reinforcement Of The Army x2
Book Of Moon x2
Heavy Storm x1
Brain Control x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Raigeki Break x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x1
Crush Card Virus x1
Side Decks(15):
Thunderking Rai Oh x2
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer x2
Breaker The Magical Warrior x1
D.D Crow
Giant Trunade x1
Royal Decree x3
Malevolent Catastrophe x3
Transmigration Prophecy x1
Mirror Force x1
Extra Decks(15):
Magical Android x1
A.O.J Catastor x1
Broniac, Dragon Of The Ice Boundary x1
Goyo Guardian x3
Black Rose Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Dark End Dragon x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
Colossal Fighter x2
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
A.O.J Catastor x1
Broniac, Dragon Of The Ice Boundary x1
Goyo Guardian x3
Black Rose Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x2
Dark End Dragon x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
Colossal Fighter x2
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Sorry For The Late Postings... Anyway, the main place to post the decklist is at http://www.comicdlegacy.com/, so don't ask us how come we still havent post... Sorry For the inconvenience caused. -ShadoVV